Schedule (doc-file)

    The second international workshop IMCP'04: Interval Mathematics and Constraint Propagation methods accompanying international scientific forum isiCAD - Constraint-based Approaches and Methods of Mathematical Modelling for Intelligent CAD/CAM/CAE systems: From Methods to Applications - will be held in Novosibirsk, Russia, on June 21-23, 2004.

    The workshop is intended to cover both theory and practial issues of interval analysis, its use in constraint propagation methods over continuous domains and their applications in various fields. The scope of the workshop includes the following topics (but is not limited to):

    • interval algebraic problems and function approximation problems,
    • solving interval differential equations, both ordinary and partial,
    • interval methods in mathematical programming, operations researches and automatic control,
    • using interval methods for validated numerics and self-validated computations on digital computers,
    • using interval techniques in constraint propagation methods over continuous domains,
    • theoretical and practical aspects of construction of solvers based on combination of interval methods and constraint propagation,
    • application of interval constraint propagation techniques in modelling and design problems,
    • cooperation of mathematical software based on interval methods and classical numerical analysis techniques,
    • application of interval constraint propagation methods for the solution of complex computational problems.

    Participants of the workshop will be also able to take part in the international scientific forum isiCAD ( and parallel sessions of International Conference on Computational Mathematics - ICCM-2004 (

Chairman of workshop

    Semenov, Alexander L. Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Scientific committee

  • Benhamou Frederic - University of Nantes, (Nantes, France)
  • Kashevarova, Tamara P. - Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia)
  • Kearfott, R. Baker - University of Louisiana (Lafayette, USA)
  • Kreinovich, Vladik - University of Texas at El Paso (El Paso, USA)
  • Lakeyev, Anatoly V. - Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS (Irkutsk, Russia)
  • Shary, Sergey P. - Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Invited talks

  • (To be defined)
    Benhamou Frederic (University of Nantes)
  • Validated Constraint Solving - Practicalities, Pitfalls, and New Developments
    Kearfott R. Baker (University of Louisiana)
  • Problems of uncertain data analysis: intervality and/or probability?
    Voshchinin, Alexander (Central Research Institute of Atomic Power Ministry of Russia)
Workshop dates

    June 21-23, 2004
Workshop location

    Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia

    Accepted abstracts will be published as a volume of proceedings before the workshop.

Working languages

    Russian, English

    To take part in the workshop, one should send to Organizing Committee, via electronic mail,

    • application,
    • abstract of your talk in English
    by May 1, 2004. In the application, specify clearly your first name, family name, affiliation, working address, contact address, as well as approximate dates of your arrival and departure. If you would like to take part in the above mentioned main conferences, indicate that in your application too.
Requirements for abstracts

    The scientific program of the workshop will consist of two types of presentations - "short" and "full". Submitting abstracts of 1 to 4 pages implies a "short talk", while "full talk" requires extended abstract of up to 10 pages.

    Abstracts should be submitted via e-mail and must contain a printable PostScript file as well as its source in either LaTeX or MS Word, version 98 and higher. A hard copy of the abstract is not required. Abstracts must be typed in 12pt font, and the title should specify name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, postal and electronic addresses, following an annotation of the talk of no more than 150 words.

Address for correspondence

Important dates

    April 30, 2004deadline for submission of abstract
    May 20, 2004notification of acceptance
    June 21, 2004arrival for the workshop
    June 22-23, 2004workshop sessions
    June 21-23, 2004sessions of the main forum isiCAD