Round tables/Working Groups
1. News & trends in PLM/PDM
PLM is getting traction as a industry direction and becomes accepted as a business strategy by many customers. Nevertheless, there are lots of debates about what PLM is actually need to become - strategy, application, vision, platform etc. The discussion in this working group will be around what we see as the top challenges and opportunities for PLM in the coming decade:
— Challenges: Simplicity, Alternative Business Models, Openness, Beyond Engineering, noPLM
— Opportunities: Competition, Social Applications, Regulation and Sustainability, Cost
Discussion topics:
- Top PLM challenges in the next decade
- Digital Prototyping vs. Full-Scale PLM?
- What will be the next CAD data management paradigms?
- How social application can influence PLM?
- Open-source PLM/PDM
- Integrated PLM-ERP-MES Systems
- Cloudy PLM
- PLM, sustainability and green
Some links:
- Top Five PLM Software Challenges for 2010s
- PLM and Heterogeneous Product Development
- PLM Model: Granularity, Bottom-Up and Change
- The “New Normal” Wake Up Call for Enterprise PLM
- Social Software and PLM – Gap Filler or Intelligent Network?
- Engineering Data to Manage but no PLM? Synergis Says No Problem
- Closing the Loop on Product Innovation – Integrating ERP and PLM
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