Round tables/Working Groups
3. Marketing and Advertizing in the Era of Global Social Networks
The question is what will be influence of the Internet and social networks on marketing.
History-based modeling has been the dominant CAD technology for many years; it is still widely used. Last years history-free (or direct) modeling becomes more robust and useful, and now CAD users can choose between two very viable and very different technologies. This workgroup will be a place for discussion how this choice impacts the intellectual property and product development process of customers.
Key issues:
- Push vs. Pull - how to be found? this becomes the most important question marketing people are asking. The focus need to be to provide focused content that can be accessible via internet, search, social networks, and blogosphere
- Social affiliation (reference by somebody you know...). When you feel trust, it is easy to you to take a decision. The recommendation or social affiliation will become a strong marketing force in the next couple of years.
- Attention management. You need work hard to get attention of people these days. So, the new ways to get attention need to be developed. Video, Rich content, Web casting on demand etc. This is only short list how to get it...
- Blogging vs. official marketing campaigns. People like content that written by non-marketing people. This content get more trust in people's eyes...
Some other topics for discussion:
- New ways of engineering software marketing
- Rich 3D Media vs. paper media
- Social Networks and Communities
- Inbound Marketing, Community Building,...
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