(LOD) . , () ., . . , , (, ) , , , , , . , , 3D ( ).
, , .
, LOD . :
- ? ( )
- ?
- ? ( )
- ?
- ?
BIM , . , , .
, . , (AIA) -, 70% , , , . , , . LOD, , .
, LOD , (2D) BIM . , , , , , , , , . . () .
LOD , . , . , LOD , , , LOD .
2004 Level of Detail Vico Software, . LOD Vico Software . ( 2012 Vico Software Trimble)Level of Detail , . : - .
2008 (AIA) LOD AIA E202-2008, Building Information Modeling Protocol Exhibit ( BIM ). : AIA E2032013 Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Exhibit AIA Contract Document G202-2013 Building Information Modeling Protocol Form .
Level of Development ( ) . Level of Detail, , BIM- .. LOD.
(E2032013), LOD , , , , , .
BIM , 3D : LOD100, LOD200, LOD300, LOD400 LOD500. 1.


. 1
LOD 100 LOD 200
. , .. ( ).
. .
, .
LOD 300
. .. .
. , .
: .
. .
, .
LOD 400
. .. .
. , .
: .
. .
. .
, .
LOD 500
., AIA E202-2008 LOD . , -, , -, LOD.
Model Element Table ( ). . 2.

. 2
, , , . Uniformat ( , .. ), MasterFormat ( , .. ), Omniclass, Uniclass .
BIM , . BIM . BIM ().
LOD , , LOD ( 100 500), . / , LOD , .. LOD . , , LOD 300 LOD 100 200.
2011 BIMForum "Level of Development Specification", 2013 . (AIA). LOD 350. , , LOD 300, , 4D ( ). LOD 400 , LOD 300 . , , LOD 300 (. 3). , LOD 350.

3. LOD 350
LOD. , AIA, . LOD , , .
Publicly Available Specifications 1192-2:2013 Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling CIC BIM Protocol ( BIM ) Levels of model definition , : Level of Model Detail (LOD) Level of Model Information (LOI). , Level of Model Detail , Level of Model Information () .
PAS 1192-2:2013 (. . 4) 7 LOD:
1 Brief
2 Concept
3 Developed Design
4 Production
5 Installation
6 As constructed
7 In use

4. LOD PAS 1192-2:2013
. 5 6 , , BIM, . - (New York City Design And Construction BIM Guideline)
5. LOD ()
6. LOD ()

7. LOD ()
, c ( , ) BIM . . , . .
- (LOD) ( BIM), . .
- (LOD) BIM . , BIM .
- (LOD) ( ).
- (LOD) , , . .
, LOD BIM. . LinkedIn RU BIM (All about BIM. Russian-speaking group) LOD. , .!