2 2013

Bentley Navigator Mobile iPad i-model

i-model , BIM ,

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, , Navigator Mobile ProjectWise Passport . iPad Explore, Bentley. www.Bentley.com/NavigatorMobile.

Navigator Mobile , , , , . , , . , , , , .

(Stephen Corney), Arup, : , , , . iPad , , , . Navigator Mobile Bentley, , .

(Huw Roberts), - Bentley, , : Bentley Navigator Mobile i-model . , . Navigator Mobile ProjectWise Explorer Mobile, , PDF - : , . , .

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Navigator Mobile www.Bentley.com/NavigatorMobile. iWare Bentley, ProjectWise Explorer Mobile, . www.Bentley.com/iWare. ProjectWise . www.Bentley.com/ProjectWise.

Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley , , , , - . Bentley Systems , . MicroStation, ProjectWise AssetWise , , . Bentley, 1984 ., 3000 , 50 , 500 . . 2003 . 1 . , .

Bentley . www.bentley.com Bentley. - Bentley, RSS-. Be Inspired Awards Bentley. , , , Be Communities.

Bentley Infrastructure 500, , , www.bentley.com/500.

(Ron Kuhfeld)
+1 610 321 6493 ron.kuhfeld@bentley.com

# # #

Bentley, Bentley B, Be, MicroStation ProjectWise Bentley Systems, Incorporated , . .






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