Constraint-based Approaches and Methods of Mathematical Modelling for Intelligent CAD/CAM/CAE systems: From Methods to Applications

21-23 June 2004, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia

21-23 June 2004 по-русски


Professor Dimitri PLEMENOS

Arithmetic and geometric constraint satisfaction techniques for declarative scene modelling

Declarative modelling is an intuitive scene modelling technique allowing really computer aided design. A scene is described by means of high level properties and the modeller generates all the scenes verifying these properties.

Constraint satisfaction techniques are generally used by the scene generation engine of declarative modellers.

A particular declarative modelling paradigm, based on hierarchical decomposition, will be presented, together with special constraint satisfaction techniques taking into account hierarchical decomposition in order improve scene generation. These techniques are applied on two kinds of constraints: arithmetic constraints, based on arithmetic relations among variables, and geometric constraints, based on relations among geometric objects (points, lines, boxes, ...).

Another possible themes could be discussed:

  • "Declarative techniques in scene modelling" with a review of declarative modelling techniques.
  • "Scene understanding in declarative modelling" presenting some techniques allowing the designer to well understand scenes produced by a declarative scene generation engine.

    Full Professor of Computer Science in the "Faculte des sciences" of the University of Limoges (FRANCE) since 1992, Dimitri PLEMENOS is graduate of the Universities of Athens (GREECE), Grenoble (FRANCE), Lille (FRANCE) and Nantes (FRANCE). He is the current director of the MSI Computer Science research laboratory of the University of Limoges. The main research theme of the laboratory is Computer Graphics.

    The main research themes of Dimitri PLEMENOS are:

    • Declarative and geometric modelling,
    • AI techniques in computer graphics,
    • heuristic techniques in visualization (Radiosity, Research of good views, ...),
    • Scene understanding tecniques using a virtual camera.


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