June 21, Monday
 PLM-1 |
9:30 |
 Andrei VOLKOV RAND Worldwide: experience, strategies, perspectives |
Geometric Constraint Solving-1 |
9:30 |
 Dominique MICHELUCCI The next 100 paper about Geometric Constraint Solving |
10:00 |
 Vladimir KOVALEVSKY RAND Worldwide: vision of PLM technologies, implementation methodology |
10:15 |
 Andre CLEMENT, Alain RIVIERE, Philippe SERRE New Technology For Solving Large-Scale Geometrical Networks |
11:00 |
Coffee-break |
PLM-2 |
11:30 |
 Vitaly Taldykin (TopSystems) T-FLEX CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM – integrated design solutions from Russia |
Geometric Constraint Solving-2 |
11:30 |
 Dimitri PLEMENOS Arithmetic and geometric constraint satisfaction techniques for declarative scene modelling |
12:00 |
 Andrew BYKOV, Konstantin KARABCHEEV (Omega ADEM Technologies) High-performance technologies for preparation of production based on ADEM - an integrated CAD/CAM/CAPP system |
12:15 |
 Alexey ERSHOV, Andrey EREMCHENKO Two New Methods of Geometric Constraint Decomposition |
12:30 |
 Vasili LOVYGIN (Omega ADEM Technologies) Effectiveness of the design-automation system and preparation of production - application and maintenance experience of CAD/CAM/CAPP ADEM in the Tomsk plants |
12:45 |
 Pascal MATHIS, Pascal SCHREK Geometrical constraint system decomposition using transformation groups |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:25 |
David LEVIN (LEDAS) Official Greeting to isiCAD-2004 |
PLM-3 |
14:30 |
Dominique FLORACK, Arnaud RIBADEAU-DUMAS (Dassault Systemes) PLM Research: Breakthrough Technologies for Tomorrow Products |
15:15 |
Francis BERNARD (Dassault Systemes) Winning through Innovation |
16:00 |
Coffee-break |
PLM-4 |
16:30 |
Pavel BRUK (UGS PLM Solutions) Product lifecycle management concept for increasing product quality and competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises |
17:00 |
Victor ABAKUMOV (UGS PLM Solutions) The technologies of knowledge utilization in modern products of UGS PLM Solutions |
17:30 |
Dmitry USHAKOV (LEDAS) Intellectualization of PLM Software: The LEDAS Strategy |
18:00 |
19:00 |
Welcome party |
June 22, Tuesday
Technological Talks |
9:30 |
 Sergey PREIS (LEDAS) The Perspectives of LGS: Application and Evolution |
Validated Constraint Solving |
9:30 |
 R. Baker KEARFOTT Validated Constraint Solving - Practicalities, Pitfalls, and New Developments |
10:00 |
 Sergey KOZLOV (Top Systems) Technologies Used in Development of T-FLEX CAD 2D & 3D |
10:10 |
 Vitaly TELERMAN, Sergey PREIS, Nikolay SNYTNIKOV, Dmitry USHAKOV Interval/Set based Collaborative Engineering Design |
10:30 |
 Discussion about technologies behind CAD |
10:35 |
 Dominique MICHELUCCI, Dominique FAUDOT A reliable curve tracing method |
11:00 |
Coffee-break |
Mixed Talks |
11:30 |
Jean-Paul LAUMOND Motion planning for PLM: State of the Art and Perspectives |
12:15 |
Evan YARES The cracked foundation: How hidden flaws undermine the acceptance of advanced software technology |
12:50 |
Andrey SUVOROV (Computer Age) CATIA — new look. The Art of technologies or technology for Art |
13:00 |
Lunch |
CAD-1 |
14:30 |
 Pierre GRIGNON (Dassault Systemes), Dmitry USHAKOV (LEDAS) Engineering Constraints in Various Phases of the Product Life-cycle Management |
Geometric Theorem Proving |
14:30 |
 Xiao-Shan GAO Automation of Geometric Theorem Proving, Discovering and Diagram Generation |
15:00 |
 Roman LYGIN (OpenCASCADE) Open CASCADE SA as a successful example of Open Source-based business model |
15:10 |
 Dominique MICHELUCCI, Jean-Paul JURZAK An implantation of Jurzak's prover |
15:30 |
 Valery IL'IN (UniPro & ICMMG) Computational Solutions: from Mathematical Modeling to Industrial Applications |
15:35 |
 Dominique MICHELUCCI, Pascal SCHREK Detecting Induced Incidences in the Projective Plane |
16:00 |
Coffee-break |
PLM-5 |
16:30 |
 Alexander KRASNUKHIN (HETNET) Some aspects of application of PLM solutions in the Russian market |
Geometric Constraint Solving-3 |
16:30 |
 Dominique MICHELUCCI, Sebti FOUFOU Using Cayley-Menger Determinants for Geometric Constraint Solving |
17:00 |
 Pavel GOLDOVSKY (HETNET) Application of CATIA Knowledgeware for design and technological tuning of production process |
17:00 |
 Alexei SOSNOV, Gerard HEGRON 3D Reconstruction from Perspective Line Drawings by Resolution of Constraints |
17:30 |
 Nikolai LYASKOVSKY (Agromashholding) A pilot project of Krasnoyarsk Combine-Harvester Plant aimed at developing an automated, CATIA, SMARTEAM and TekhnoPro based system for design and technological tuning of production process |
17:30 |
 Lionel GARNIER, Sebti FOUFOU, Dominique MICHELUCCI Conversion of Quadrics into Rational Biquadratic Bezier Patches |
18:00 |
18:30 |
Barbeque |
June 23, Wednesday
PLM-6 |
9:30 |
 Vyacheslav KLIMOV (Parametric Technology) Integral CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM Environment Based on Windchill and Pro/ENGINEER |
Computer Graphics-1 |
9:30 |
 Dimitri PLEMENOS Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Computer Graphics |
10:00 |
 Sergey EVSIKOV (Ascon) ASCON: Comprehensive manufacturing support solutions. Fifteen years of improving enterprise efficiency through IT |
10:00 |
 Vladimir FROLOVSKY, Denis FROLOVSKY Parametric modelling and surface unfolding with non-zero Gaussian curvature |
10:30 |
 Ivo LIPSTE (Colla) Modern Trends in CAM Systems: Approaches and Practical Results |
10:20 |
 Victor DEBELOV, Lioudmila VASSILIEVA Light Meshes: Soft Shadows in Ray Tracing |
10:40 |
 Victor DEBELOV, Maxim SATTAROV Photo-realistic Rendering of Crystals: Problems and Means of Solution |
11:00 |
Coffee-break |
Analytical Talks |
11:30 |
 Vladimir MALUKH Intelligent capabilities for small CAD systems: problems and perspectives |
Computer Graphics-2 |
11:30 |
 Vladimir FROLOVSKY Works of Computer Graphics Group at NSTU |
12:00 |
 Vladimir ZAKHAROV Modern CAD development industry in Russia. A unique path or integrating into the world division of labor? ASCON experience |
12:00 |
 N.A. ELYKOV, I.V. BELAGO, S.A.KUZIKOWSKI An approach to implementation of the dynamic atmospheric phenomena for large outdoor scenes visualization |
12:30 |
 Andrew SINELNIKOV Difficulties of comprehensive PLM application in industry |
12:20 |
 S.M. KOZLOV, N.A. ELYKOV An approach to perspective shadow mapping for real-time shadows visualization in dynamic environments |
12:40 |
 S.A. KUZIKOWSKI, I.V. BELAGO, N.A. ELYKOV On some problems of real time visual traffic simulation |
13:00 |
Lunch |
CAD-2 |
14:30 |
 Andrey SHISHKIN RAND Worldwide: Q-Checker and CETOL 6 Sigma- CATIA Data Quality Control |
Motion & Simulation |
14:30 |
 Etienne FERRE, Jean-Paul LAUMOND A Path Planner for PLM Applications |
15:00 |
 Roman LYGIN (OpenCASCADE) Traditional and innovative approaches in Open CASCADE Technology and Salome CAD/CAE platforms |
15:00 |
 Egor ERMOLIN, Alexey KAZAKOV A Simple Impulse-Based Approach to Physical Simulation |
15:30 |
 Jury BEREZA CAD/CAM/CAE Observer |
15:30 |
 Vladimir FROLOVSKY, Vladimir LANDOVSKY Modeling of Fabric by means of particles |
15:45 |
 Valery RUTSKOVSKY An efficient storage exchange and retrieval of 3D CAD data |
16:00 |
Closing of the iciCAD-2004: cocktail party |
16:30 |
Excursion: Academgorodok and Novosibirsk |
19:30 |
Dinner |
