one of the greatest enterprises of Russian nuclear fuel cycles engaged in production of nuclear fuel for power and research reactors, lithium and its compounds which was founded in September, 25 1948.
at present enterprise with harmonically developed infrastructure manufacturing products conforming to world standards and developing the advanced technologies.
cooperates with 24 foreign firms on long-term basis and guarantees its partners high quality of products as well as reliability in fulfillment of contractual obligations. The enterprise constitutes complex of chemical and machine-building production manufacturing the following:
assurance system (QAS) for nuclear fuel, lithium and its compounds production
has been developed in accordance with ISO 9000 international standards
and it is being constantly improved. Since 1995 the quality assurance
system is being regularly recognized by GOSSTANDARD of Russian Federation
as conforming to the ISO 9002 requirements. With the enterprise access
to the market the products with JSC NCCP trade name were rewarded high
national and international prizes.
630110, Novosibirsk,
B. Khmelnitsky Str., 94 |
Tel: +7(383) 274-83-46
Fax: +7(383) 274-30-71 |
Teletype 133004 LIMON RU
E-mail: nzhk@nccp.ru |