List of participants

Second isicad Forum
PLM+ERP: Informational Environment of Modern Enterprise
Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russia
29 May - 2 June
:: Organized by LEDAS Ltd ::
:: Supported by SibCongress ::
:: Supported by Sib3 ::
isicad-2006: PLM+ERP

Who is who :: Glossary :: Articles :: News :: Manufacturers ::

Aims and Scope :: Topics :: Participants :: Sessions :: Organizers :: Program Committee :: Seminars of PLM and ERP solution providers :: Exhibition :: Fee :: Forum Proceedings :: Submissions :: Important dates :: Location :: Cultural program ::

isicad-2004 :: photo gallery



All submissions must be in English or Russian, clearly written and in sufficient detail to allow the Program Committee to assess the merits of the work. Electronic submissions are encouraged. They should be received in Novosibirsk by March, 14, 2006. A PostScript file of an extended abstract (up to 10 pages for a regular talk and up to 5 pages for a short talk) should be e-mailed to the following address: When preparing your submission please follow instructions for authors of papers to be published at Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, which are available at

The abstract should indicate complete authors' addresses (including e-mail addresses and fax numbers if any), affiliation and a clear statement of the kind of the submission (regular or short talk). The receipt of all submitted papers will be acknowledged by e-mail within 3 days. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 18, 2006.