9:00 |
PLM section
chairman Vladimir LEYBENSON (IMS Software)
9:30 |
 V.N. KON'SHIN (TESIS) FlowVision software solution for fluid dynamics |
9:30 |
 Olga Badyina (SAP) Standard solutions of SAP for engineering industry: the new approach to ERP-solutions applications |
 seminar |
10:00 |
 I.V. MATVEEV (Tesis) 3D TransVidia sofwtare solution for correct import of geometric models |
10:15 |
 Alexey Kniajev (SAP) Effective management of modern enterprise's logistic |
10:30 |
 Nikolay SHIRYAEV (Lotsia Soft) Integrated solution of Lotsia PLM. Applied solutions for project oriented organisations,engineering industry and other fields. |
11:00 |
Coffee break |
PLM section
chairman Sergey KURSAKOV (ÒÅSIS)
11:30 |
 Victor SILIN (ÀDEÌ) ADEM as a base stage of CALS technologies |
11:30 |
 Alexey NASAKIN (SAP) SAP solutions for Engineering |
 seminar |
12:15 |
 Vladimir LEYBENSON (IMS Software) IMS: Recognized leader in NC postprocessing solutions and services. Proven, mature, robust. |
12:15 |
 Artem Sedlovskii (SAP) Effective management of project activity |
13:00 |
Lunch |
section "New technologies"
chairman Valery RUTKOVSKY (Krasnoyarsk State Technical University)
14:30 |
 Sergey KOZLOV (Top Systems) Parametric Design in T-FLEX CAD 10 |
14:00 |
 Aleksander Lyagushkin (Dassault Systemes Russia Corp.) PLM conceptions and benefits of changing technologies' levels |
 seminar |
15:00 |
 Vladimir MALUKH, Victor BLINOV,Alexey VINOGRADOV (ProPro Group) CAD user-interface on Tablet PC |
14:30 |
 Grigory Chernobyl,Dmitry Krisenkov (Dassault Systemes Russia Corp.) The latest news from PLM-news |
15:30 |
 Alexey ERSHOV (LEDAS) The LEDAS computational components for developers of PLM and ERP systems |
15:30 |
 Xavier GOURDON (Dassault Systemes) Dassault Systemes: Passion for Innvovation |
16:00 |
Coffee break |
section "New technologies"
chairman Alexey ERSHOV (LEDAS)
16:30 |
 A.N. LIPATOV (Russian Federal Nuclear Center) Using relational database as information kernel of integrated ECAD |
16:30 |
 Igor Volkov (BeePitron) BeePitron - the business partner of Dassault Systemes |
 seminar |
17:00 |
 Valery RUTKOVSKY , Marina RUTKOVSKAYA (Krasnoyarsk State Technical University) Expanded wire-frame representation for inverse engineering, pressing,correction of 3D geometry |
17:00 |
 Dmitry Ushakov (LEDAS) LEDAS - the partner of Dassault Systemes in development and education |
17:30 |
 V. FROLOVSKY, V. LANDOVSKY (Novosibirsk State Technical University) Computer-aided clothing design |
17:15 |
 S.N. KURSAKOV, A.A. AKSENOV (TESIS) Dassault Systemes ecosystem and possibilities of multy-disciplinary problem solving with ABAQUS and FlowVision |
18:00 |
19:00 |
Dinner - LEDAS company invites |