Autodesk University - AEC Excellence Awards 2018. 256 (196 60 ) 32 .
, , , . - , , .
Small project ( $100 )
: Empresa Desarrollo Urbano de Medellin,
: Autodesk InfraWorks, Civil 3D, NavisWorks, Revit, Insight

, EDU , , . InfraWorks 3D- . Civil 3D , , . InfraWorks, , , . Revit .
. , , InfraWorks , , , ( ?) .
: La Rivière des Galets
: Colas SA,
: Autodesk Civil 3D, Revit, Recap, 3ds Max, Navisworks, BIM 360
. , 70 000 : , -, , -. , , , 1950- , , , .
, , . , , -, , . -, , , , , , .

: Sambo Engineering,
: Autodesk InfraWorks, Civil 3D, Revit, Dynamo
4 6 , , . , Sambo , , .

Revit , . Revit , Dynamo. Civil 3D Excel Dynamo Revit.

Medium project ($100 - $500 )
: --
: China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group,
: Autodesk Civil 3D, InfraWorks, Revit, BIM 360, Vault, Inventor
, , . China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group , , Autodesk Vault, , InfraWorks Civil 3D , Revit Inventor , 3D- BIM360 , .

, 1,5 , , - . AEC, , .
: -
: Prota Engineering,
: Autodesk InfraWorks, Civil 3D, AutoCAD Map 3D, Revit, 3ds Max, Navisworks
9 , BIM. , Prota Engineering, AEC Excellence Award .

BIM 360 Docs , . : BIM 360 Docs , , . Prota Engineering, , BIM , .
: CTI Engineering Co.,
: Autodesk InfraWorks, Civil 3D, ReCap, Navisworks, BIM 360
, , 2011 . , 120 000 . , , , , , . CTI Engineering, , .
, , CTI Engineering . (, , ), , - .

(AR) . , 3D-, Civil 3D, . AR, 48% .

Large project ( $500 )
: Chongqing Municipal Research Institute of Design,
: Autodesk InfraWorks, Revit, Navisworks, Civil 3D, Dynamo
$500 . , - , . 7 , 8 35 . , , .

, 15%, , 5300 , .
: InfraWorks
: Norconsult AS / Bane NOR SF,
: Autodesk InfraWorks

, , . InfraWorks . Bane NOR , . InfraWorks. Excel, InfraWorks , .
InfraWorks , . 10- 50 70 .
: CCCC Second Harbor Consultants Co.,Ltd. / 3TI Progetti,
: Autodesk InfraWorks, Civil 3D, AutoCAD Map 3D, ReCap, Revit, 3ds Max, Navisworks
, , . , , 4,2- , .

, . 73% 91% . Revit, Navisworks, .
Autodesk, , AEC Excellence Awards . , , , , . , , , Autodesk.