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14 2020

, Revit?

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. : 2011-2018 . isicad.ru 14 . , , , - . , , .

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GD Revit

Revit 2021, (Generative Design). , !. - , , . , .

, Revit:

, , ! Autodesk .

, , Revit. , Parametric Monkey:

Generative design is a form finding process which starts with design goals (fitness) and then explores innumerable possible permutations of a solution to find the best option.

( , , .*)

GD Revit

. ( Siemens):

Generative design, also known as topology optimization, is a process that determines the most efficient shape based on defined material, constraints and stresses. It takes modeling from computer-aided to computer-driven with resulting forms that look very much like nature.

( , , , , , . (computer-aided) (computer-driven), , .*)

, : , , ? .

, , :

[ ] , - - . - . , - .

, , Generative Design is Doomed to Fail , .

, , : (...Generative design often appears close to working. Its been that way for decades...), white whale - .

, , , No one else works like this ( ) Adobe.

, ! !

, . , 7 .

, XXI , , , , Autodesk , generative design . , , , Revit, .

, . . , Light House.

, 1990- ( , ) , 2010- Grasshopper.

, , , , , . , , . , , .

: Creative AI: On the Democratisation & Escalation of Creativity. , gif- , ( , !). , .

...Augmentation is not the same as automation: Where automation promises to free us from inhumane tasks, augmentation aims at strengthening our capabilities. It is the notion of raising the collective human potential, not replacing it.

( , : , . , .*)

capabilities Revit!

* isicad.ru





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