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19 2016

Altium Designer 15


isicad.ru: , , Altium - (Ȼ), ESG, :

( 2012 ) Altium.

isicad.ru Altium, "Altium".

, , , . , . , .

. , , , , , , , , , .

, .

, , ( Altium Designer ). - , . , , . , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . , Altium Designer - (Database Library *.DbLib).


Altium Designer , , . - һ (. 1) DXP| Extensions & Updates.

 Altium ESG

. 1.

BOM MS Excel 2.701-2008, 2.106-96 Excel, , .

, .

... (, !DocumentName). ⎯ , $Stamp, , .

$Stamp MS Excel .xlt .

. , , , , (Template) , .. -, (Name) , (Value). , . , .

$Stamp Excel () . . . , :

  • Value Manufacturer Part Number ;
  • Value Type , , . ;
  • Value Description ( ..);
  • Value Manufacturer ( ).
, , , , , . , , . : $Rules $PartName , , . , . , , :
  • ;
  • - ( $Delimiter) ⎯ , .
. . Altium Designer . ValueManufacturerPartNumber , (Value) (. 2).
 Altium ESG

. 2.

, ,

=Designator+ +Package+-+Voltage+-+Value+ +Tolerance+ +TechSpec

, , , - , ., . , BOM- :

K53-69 "D"-6,3 -68 +/-10% .673547.006

MS Excel.

, . () , . , , PartNameSP, Parameters . ., , TechSpec , $PartName. $Rules :

2   Altium

2   Altium

. , 2.701-2008 2.702-2011, , . , : MS Excel \ .xlt $Rules, $PartName $Cat, () . , , , . , . \ .xlt, $PartName $Cat, $GroupingLimit . 2.701-2008, , .

, , $Rules .xlt $Grouping $Cat . - .

$FontData $Rules , (), , , .


1. , - ManufacturerPartNumber, PartNameSP Parameters . , , . - $PartName , , .

2. , , Design | Document Options | Parameters Options | Document Parameters .

3. , , :

  • ;
  • ;
  • ¾ Tools | Parameter Manager.

4. , (. ).

5. , -. , , CASE , CASE .

, :

1. , Options | Document Parameters - .
, , Tools | Update Parameters from Database.

2. .

3. Output Job Editor. Add Newto Project Output Job File. - Output Job Editor (. 3).

 Altium ESG

. 3.

4. Name Outputs Repor tOutputs, Add New Report Output Bill of Materials > [Project]. Add New Report Output Name Bill of Materials. Data Source [Project].

5. Bill of Materials Name , : .

6. . 3 .

7. Bill of Materials BOM- Template , \Altium\AD 15\Templates.

8. BOM- ValueManufacturerPartNumber , PartNameSP, Parameters TechSpec , PartVP, Parameters, TechSpec, CodeOKP Manufacturer .

9. Output Containers Add New Output Container (. . 3). New Folder Structure. Container Folder Structure (. 4).

 Altium ESG

. 4.

10. Enabled Outputs Folder Structure (. 4).

11. Change Folder Structure Properties . Folder Structure settings (. 5) c Preview.

 Altium ESG

. 5.

  • [Release Managed] , [Manually Managed] Done . [Release Managed] [Project Dir].
  • [Output Name] , Use custom output file name =ProjectName+ +OutputName. Done . [Output Name] . , : << > < >>.
, Folder Structure settings (. 6).
 Altium ESG

. 6.

12. OK .

13. Folder Structure (. . 4) Folder Structure . , , .

14. OutJob- .

15. Folder Structure Run (). BOM- MS Excel. , , . . , Enabled Output Job Editor (. . 4).

- - . 7.

Altium   7

. 7.

(, . .) () . (. 2.702-2011, . 7).

, . : , , , , . , , ActiveBOM . , , , : - , , . , . , , , . , . , , .

OutJob- . , File | Save Copy As, , , Add Existing to Project, . . OutJob- , .

, , MS Excel, Output Job Editor. :

1. Reports | Bill of Materials BOM-. Bill of Materials For Project [ ] (Show) .

2. Export Options Microsoft Excel Worksheet (*.xls) Add to Project ( ) Open Exported ( ).

3. Excel Options \Altium\AD 15\Templates (Template) ⎯ .xlt, .xlt .xlt.

4. Export BOM- Excel. , . 7.

, , , , .



: -


C3D Modeler — , C3D Modeler, C3D Labs (15 2025)
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