/   /
9 2020

BIM ()

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( ) . , , BIM , .

International Journal of Open Information Technologies,  8,  12 (2020).

1. BIM




Rail Baltica,


High Speed 2,

1.1.2 -

Horizon 2020


1.2 BIM








2.1. : BIM

2.2. : (VR/MR)



2.5. :

2.6. :

2.7. :

2.8. :


1. BIM

BIM (, , ) . , .




(TEN-T) ,  [1]. TEN-T (TENs), (eTEN) (TEN-E Ten-Energy).

TEN-T , , , , , , . TEN-T 1996 .

10 TEN-T.

, . : , , , - -  . .

4- () - (, buildingSMART [2]), . TEN-T Rail Baltica.

Rail Baltica,

Rail Baltica , , ()  [3]. BIM [4].

, , 2030 Rail Baltica - 5  16  .

, RB Rail AS, BIM [5]. BIM RB Rail Baltic , , , , , - . , .

RB Rail AS BIM, . IFC, buildingSMART. .

, IFC alignment, IFC bridge, IFC tunnel IFC, , BIM , . , IFC ( Bentley Systems, IFC ).

RB Rail AS (CDE) Rail Baltica, .

RB RAIL AS, , , . .

( ) :

  1. , , . .
  2. , , MCA, CAPEX OPEX. , , . LOD 200.
  3. - . , . LOD 300.
  4. , Rail Baltica, . , . LOD 400.

Rail Baltica : , . (TIDP) BIM (BEP)  [6] , .

, BIM BIM. , , , . , AIM ( ) .


Crossrail ( Elizabeth line) - 117  (73 ),  [7].

, - , .

Crossrail . .

Crossrail 345-70, 200  (660 ), 1500 . ( Bombardier, ) 140 / (90 /). Crossrail Siemens.


. 1. Crossrail ,

, . Crossrail BIM- .

Crossrail 2009 , 2008 , . 2011 , , , 2016 , BIM  2, Crossrail. , , BIM [8].

BIM Crossrail  [10]. , BIM [8], [11-13].


. 2. Crossrail

Crossrail , , Crossrail, BIM.

Bentley ProjectWise, .

, Crossrail Bentley Crossrail BIM Academy Bentley Systems, . , , . Bentley Systems HS2 c Shell .

BIM Crossrail ,  [9]:

  • , .
  • ;
  • ;
  • , ;
  • ( );
  • ( );
  • ( /);
  • ( );
  • ( 4D );
  • ( );
  • ;
  • ( ).
- Crossrail 2 , . , , , , Crossrail.

High Speed 2,

HS2 -  [14], , , , 25 , , 30  . , , . Crossrail,  HS2 BIM, Bentley Systems.


  • , .
  • , .
  • : HS2 , 17  (), , 7  , .

, High Speed Two Ltd, , BIM . HS2 .

BIM, , BIM HS2 .

1.1.2 -

Horizon 2020

[15] Shift2Rail , (R&I)  [16]. Shift2Rail ( BIM), Horizon 2020, (SERA).

, , .

BIM Shift2Rail Assets4Rail,  [17]:

Assets4Rail Shift2Rail , . .

Assets4Rail , . Assets4Rail , (, , ) . . , , , , , .

, , . RFID , .

, Assets4Rail .

, , BIM . ( ) (TENs Horizon 2020).

BIM , ( ) . ( ) , Bentley ProjectWise.

1.2 BIM

, , , BIM  [8]. , , IFC BIM- .

.  2019 . 2 360 8  56 .

2019 802,8  (117  ) , 4 600 . 29  .

, , , .

. buildingSMART BIM BIM- IFC Rail (China Railway BIM Alliance [18]).

BIM  [19]: - 71 , 64 , 10 10 , , , BIM , .

China Railway Engineering Consulting Group (CEC) . , BIM . , . , , CEC .

, CEC Bentley Systems . , , , , , BIM CEC.

ProjectWise Bentley Systems , . CEC ProjectWise BIM, MicroStation, OpenBuildings Designer OpenRoads Designer . , , .

Rail BIM 2030  [20] - , (Ghang Lee), (BIG) .

 2018 2030  4-  ( 4.0).

(KR) , , , .

[8]. , BIM 2008 , , KR BIM ; KR BIM 2009 , 2018 . KR , , . , , , , .

, Rail BIM 2030 KR (KRRI) Rail BIM, (MoLIT).

Rail BIM 2030 , Rail BIM 2030 BIM BIM, BIM ( ), (, IFC, COBie) .

BIM 50  , 2016 , .

Rail BIM 2030 BIM (BUL) ( ), BIM, .  [21] :

  • , KR ;
  • , BIM .
Rail BIM 2030 . , , .

BIM 2030 :

1: 2018 (BIM 1.0) 2D 3D BIM
BIM 2D 3D ( 1). 2D- . BIM , 2D- ( ). BIM- , , ,  . .

2: 2020 (BIM 2.0) BIM ( BIM)
( 2), 2020 , BIM , , , , , .  2D.

3: 2022 (BIM 3.0) BIM BIM.
BIM ( 3), 2022 , I- . BIM , , .

4: 2024 (BIM 4.0) Lean BIM ( BIM)
BIM ( 4), 2024 , ( , ), BIM , , , .

5: 2030 (BIM 5.0) BIM (AI BIM)
BIM ( 5), 2030 , BIM .


Deutsche Bahn AG (Deutsche Bahn Holding, . DB) BIM, ,  [22].


, , , . BIM 3D- . , . .

, Deutsche Bahn , , , , , .

DB Crossrail  3 BIM  [23].

3 BIM , . ,  3 . .

, , , ,  DB, .

BIM . , , . BIM , .

BIM , 2020 . 13 DB 2016 , BIM .

2020 DB Engineering & Consulting [24] 14  BIM-, , DB BIM 2020 .

BIM ,  [85].

- MLRT Line 2 . BIM, , .


. 3. -

, - . 16,5  , - , .

, , 1060 , , . BIM , .

Lebuhraya Borneo Utara (LBU), , .

BIM Bentley ProjectWise Bentley AssetWise. , , LBU , . - Bentley , .

LBU , .


  • , BIM, GIS ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • , ;
  • .

, , , BS 1192.


. 4. ,

Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (Maha Metro) , 50:50 [86].

1978 ( ), 2002  ( ) 1989 , .

. 38  2  38 215 , 30  31 254 , 5  .

40 , 106+  , 60+ 3D-, , 100+  1000+  .

Maha Metro , ERP , , Maha Metro. , , , 2D 3D , , , . .

Maha Metro ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) BIM . (OSO) , , .

OSO , ERP BIM , , . OSO , .

, , , , , .

BIM , , BIM .

BIM Maha Metro .

3D- , ( , , , , , ). , - (3D-, 2D-, ). BIM , , ,  . ., .

3D- , . , , .


  • Bentley ProjectWise Design Integration (PWDI) , BS1192. PWDI AssetWise ALIM (eB), ;
  • Bentley Asset Wise CDE (eB) , () (). AssetWise CDE (eB) , .

BIM Maha Metro Bentley ( Crossrail BIM Academy), , .

, BIM . BIM , , .

. BIM , . 2030 .


, . , .

BIM . () ().

: 2000- , , BIM-; , , .

, , , , .

2.1 : BIM

, , .  2D. ׸ , , .

 [25]. .


. 5. MLRT Line 2

2.2 : (VR/MR)

, (2D).  [26] [27].

( ) (virtual reality, VR). BIM (mixed reality, MR).


  • ( );
  • , MR-;
  • .

2013-14  ( , augmented reality, AR), .

, , , , .

, , , .



, (, ) , .

, .

, .

, , (, , ), . .

, : BIM- - .


. 6. MLRT Line 2

, 2016 ( IFC) , .

, BIM: , (MHC), -,  . .

, BIM- .

(.  63 ), 2D-  [30].


  • ( );
  • ( BIM-).

, :

  • ;
  • .


  • ;
  • .

, , .


BIM- , , , .

BIM () () .

 [35]. CORENET [36] 1990- , 2015  . () . , , , . , , . , 5000 BIM-, . CORENET CORENET [36], , .


. 7. BIM

BIM-. , Crossrail (. . 1.1.1) BIM .

-, .

2.5   :

BIM , . , , , , ,  . . - .

2.6   :

, . (,  21) , BIM , .

BIM- -. , , . .

2.6.1   1: BIM

: , - .


  • : , ;
  • , .

BIM- buildingSMART International, IFC (Industrial Foundation Classes) [39].



  • () (IFC Rail, IFC Bridge  . .);
  • BIM ;
  • ;
  • PLM- ( , ).



IFC , buildingSMART ( buildingSMART International).

2.6.2   2:
Bentley Systems Autodesk.

, , . , BIM-c.

-, , BIM-, -.

Navisworks Autodesk, ProjectWise iTwin Bentley Systems.

2.7   :

- BIM- [40]-[42].

. .

, , . , .

, , , , .

, , .

BIM , . .

( Horizon 2020, . . 1.1.2) TRL [44].

2.8   :

- BIM .

, , Atkins, 2015 , 2014  2020  460  , ,  [80]:

  • : 1,86  2010-2020. , - ;
  • : £2,5  , , ;
  • : . 20 , 50 .
  • : , . Arter, Network Rail, : , .


3.1. . 2D- .

3.2. BIM . BIM, ( 2D- ), - PM (Project management, ) ERP (Enterprise resource planning, ). BIM- - .

3.3. BIM ( , ) . BIM, . BIM .

. , , . , BIM- , , , , .

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  87. .. , , 9 2020.





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