, COMSOL 2016, . :
- COMSOL Multiphysics (COMSOL Multiphysics Software as a Metasurfaces Design Tool for Plasmonic-Based Flat Lenses). B. Adomanis, D. B. Burckel, M. Marciniak. .
- (Studies of Sound Radiation from Beams with Acoustic Black Holes). C. Zhao, M. G. Prasad. .
- (Simulation and Testing of a Tunable Organ Pipe for Ocean Acoustic Tomography). A. K. Morozov. Teledyne Technologies Inc.
- (A Field Simulator for Permanent Magnet Applications). E. Ledwosinska, J. Gammel. Silicon Labs.
- (Modeling of Mixing-Sensitive Pharmaceutical Drug Substance Processes in Batch Reactors). F. Akpinar, B. Cohen, J. Tabora, A. Glace, K. Lauser, F. Lora Gonzalez, J. Albrecht. Bristol-Myers Squibb.
- (Optimization of a Thermoelectric Conversion System). J. R. Chase. Alphabet Energy.
- ( : Cracking in Quasi-Brittle Materials Using Isotropic Damage Mechanics). Tobias Gasch, Anders Ansell. , .
- (Thermo-Fluiddynamical Modelling of Laser Beam-Matter Interaction in Selective Laser Melting). K.-H. Leitz, P. Singer, A. Plankensteiner, B. Tabernig, H. Kestler, L. S. Sigl. Plansee SE.
- (Multiphysical Modelling of Keyhole Formation During Dissimilar Laser Welding). I. Tomashchuk, I. Bendaoud, P. Sallamand, E. Cicala, S. Lafaye, M. Almuneau. .
- (Numerical Model for Predicting Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena During Cake Baking). R. Cutté, P. Le Bideau, P. Glouannec, J. F. Le Page. .
- (Simulation of the Thermal Expansion of an Inductively Heated Gear Wheel for Shrink Fitting Purposes). C. Hollenbeck, Z. Jildeh, T. Rydlewski, P. Kirchner. Imagine Engineering.
- , (Beverage Refrigeration Simulation in Dependence on Container Shape, Material and Orientation). Simon Bekemeier, Lars Fromme, Andrej Genschel, Kersten Kröger. .
- (Measurement of Blood Flowrate in Large Blood Vessels Using Magnetic Flowmeter). S. Dasgupta, K Ravikumar, P. Nenninger, F. Gotthardt. ABB.
- (Multiphysics Analysis of Inductive Brazing Process). A. F. Biju, A. Pandey. Honeywell.
COMSOL 2016 www.comsol.ru/2016-user-presentations/award-winners.
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