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24 2016

3D + FlowVision:

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isicad.ru: , , PLM- ( , , , , ), , , : PLM- .

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- , , , islord@vntu.edu.ua ;
, , ivanchuck@ukr.net ;
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, . CAD- -3DV16 , FlowVision 3.09.04 - , , .

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R. D. Iskovych-Lototsky, Y. V. Ivanchuk, Y. P. Veselovsky

This article is devoted to theoretical investigation of thermal physical processes as the main working processes in a pyrolysis plant for waste disposal by the numerical simulation. Based on the developed to a certain CAD-system KOMPAS-3DV16 three-dimensional model of a pyrolysis plant, in the software package FlowVision 3.09.04 finite-volume element method defines the main dependence thermal and hydrodynamic parameters that allowed us to estimate the effectiveness of the developed design of heat exchangers and combustion chambers, post-combustion, cooling the pyrolysis plants waste and identify further promising directions for their improvement and modernization.

Keywords: modeling, finite-volume elements, temperature, combustion, heat transfer, recycling.


-, (. 1) [1-11, 12], [5, 6].
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1 7. 1, , 7 2. 1 2, 4, 9 , . , 1 2 , 8. , 3, , , 10 , 17 13, . 17 13 15 6. CAD- 1, 2 3 (. 2), ( 5) ( 13) . , , , [15].


, , -, FlowVision 2.5.04 [16], - , , , . CAD-, 3D-V16, (. 3) , .
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  • =293 ;
  • =101325 .
- , ( ) [9], ..:
  • Q=0,231 /(2∙);
  • Q=0,305 /(2∙);
  • b=0,03;
  • I=0,01 .
, , . , .

, , E-, FlowVision 3.09.04 [17], - , , , , .

CAD-, 3D-V16, , : 1, 2 3 (. 5, ). 5, .

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. 5. CAD- :
CAD- ;

CAD- (. 5, ), . - 1 (. 5, ) - c . 1 (. 5, ) - , , , :

  • - t = 960 C;
  • =101325 .
  • Q=1,071 /(2∙);
  • b=0,03;
  • I=0,01 .
- 2 (. 5, ), , 20 C.

- 3 (. 5, ) () . 3 (. 5, ) , :

  • t = 20 C;
  • = 101325 ;
  • V = 1 /;
  • b = 0,03;
  • I = 0,01 .
, . 1 3 (. 5, ) , .


- , - , . (. 6, ), . , (. 6, ).

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FlowVision : CFL (--) [21, 23]. 1/10 . Lm = 90 L = 1,4 . , , V≈1 / ( ), : ) τm = 0,1 (Lm/V) = 0,1(90/1) = 0,9 c; ) τ = 0,1 (L/V) = 0,1 (1,4/1) = 0,14 c. τ=0.


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, . , (. 9) , - t = 980 Co , . , , t = 1100C, .

, t = 1100 Co, , t = 1300 Co, . , (. 9) , t = 960 Co.

(. 10) , , , , ( ) - . . , , (. 10) .

, [1], [9].

(. 11) , Δt = 600 Co, . , , . (. 12) () Δt = 100 Co, V = 1/, .


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