/   /
23 2011

NURBS : 30

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. 6.

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. 7.

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( XX .) , , , . , .

. , . . , , . . . , , .

. 8.

, , , , , . , (, ). , .

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: 25
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id 8389     10 2012, 18:16
, ,
! .


id 8849     13 2012, 15:59
, - " " .
NURBS- , 3 .
cadjunkie (Adam) Engineer vs Designer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1qn3vQEH7o&feature=player_detailpage&list=ULV1qn3vQEH7o#t=106s . Rhino.
, , Solidworks Autodesk Inventor Fusion, ?
( ) cadjunkie
, Patch. NURBS , .
, SW , Rhino- ( ) SW-?


id 8853     13 2012, 17:09

, SolidWorks -? -, NURBS-, .
(, , , ). T-, .

- , .


id 8863     13 2012, 21:35

, id 8849:

, , Solidworks Autodesk Inventor Fusion, ?

. G2. , MCAD "".


id 8867     13 2012, 22:27

, id 8863:


, G2 , .
, SW Rhino? SW ?
, Rhino Alias - - , AutoCAD... , ...


id 8868     13 2012, 23:12

Rhino NURBS- ( Fillet). , . G2- ("Curvature") , , . Rhino G1- ("Tangency"), () NURBS-.

( G1) , - (), . Rhino, , , . ACIS Parasolid, , ( G1-).


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, *




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