English version
Rhinoceros1 (. ) - () Windows, Robert McNeel and Associates (, ) 1992 . (. Rhino), 150 2, . , , 20, 50 . ( Rhino - RMA.) Rhino 3DM, / openNURBS3. 120 (, . plug-in), 4. , , , . Rhino : .
, , ; , (. design intent). . . . , , ?, ?, ?
Rhino , . , Rhino, Driving Dimensions (. ). Rhino . Driving Dimensions Rhino Rhino Assembly. Rhino , . Rhino Assembly , . Rhino Assembly . 2001 . CAD ( ), CAE ( ) CAM ( ), 5,6,7,8,9,10.
1999 . ( ) (CAD/CAM/CAE) . - Driving Dimensions. , SketchUp ( Google) Rhino. Driving Dimensions 11, , . , , . : . , ( , ) . , , (.. ) (, ). LGS 2D/3D12,13, .
Rhino Assembly, Driving Dimensions Rhino, , . .
(MCAD) Rhino , . , : , , , .. (. 1).

. 1. Rhino: (a) , (b) , (c) , (d)
: MCAD- , Rhino . Rhino , . , , . : - , , CAD- . , , (BRep, . boundary representation).
MCAD-, , . , , BRep-. ( .)
. : . , , : , CAD-, IGES/STEP, .. , ( - ), . .
, . () . ( , , .) - , .. . , : : , , , .
, (, , , ). , , ( ). , , , . , .
, . . , . (, , .) , Rhino Assembly.
, . Rhino Assembly Driving Dimensions, Rhinoceros. , MCAD-.
, MCAD : . , . , Rhino, , . 2 .

. 2. Rhino

. 3. : (a) ( Rhino ), (b) Rhino Assembly
, ( ). (. 4)? , . Rhino , .. .

. 4. ?
Rhino :

. 5. Rhino Assembly
, . ( -; , , , . , Rhino.) , (. 6). , :
- Add Concentricity ( )
, Rhino Assembly.
- .
- .
Add Concentricity , Rhino Assembly . , ( , ). , Rhino Assembly , (. 6b). , . ( Add Tangency Rhino Assembly .)
, . . Rhino , , . - . 6d.
, . () (. 6e). , 12 ( , , ) !

. 6. :
: . , ( ). Rhino Assembly , - . 7a. . , . : , . (. 7b).

. 7.

. 8.
, Rhino, Show Assembly Manager ( ) Rhino Assembly. (. 9) Rhino.

. 9. Assembly Manager ( )
, , . , . , Concentricity 1 , . , . Constraint Properties ( ), . 10, Name () . , . ( Rhino).

. 10.
(. driving dimensions) , Rhino Rhino Assembly. , , , , ( ), . , ( , , ), : . .
Add Distance ( ) Rhino Assembly , : . ; , (. 11).

. 11.

. 12.
, Rhino Assembly:- Rhino Assembly . , !
- Rhino Assembly . : , . .
, Rhino Assembly. .
Rhino MCAD, . , ! ; , . .
Rhino Assembly . . , , . Add Angle ( ) (. 13). , , . 0° 180°, , , 360°. , c , . .

. 13.
( ) ; ( ) . , . ( ), , .
, (. 12) Animation (). . ( 0 360, ). Animate () , (. 14); , . , . - . Play ( ), Pause (), , . , . . Repeat (), , .

. 14.
, Rhino Assembly ( ):
- Rhino Assembly , . , .
- Rhino Assembly . , .
- Rhino Assembly, 2009 ., 14. Rhino www.DrivingDimensions.com. -, Robert McNeel & Associates , Rhino Assembly 1.0. 2.0, 2010 . .
, Rhino Assembly ; , . . , , .
Driving Dimensions Rhino, , . , , . . - Rhino 2009 . www.DrivingDimensions.com!
15- .
1993 . , (1995) - , (1998) .
. , , - .
1999 . , . , Dassault Systemes CATIA V5, , .
2001-2008 ., , . , .
2008 . . .
ѻ , () 1999 . , , PLM ( ): (CAD/CAM/CAE), , , .
PLM+ERP: , , , .
Rhino Assembly, Driving Dimensions LGS ѻ. .
1 Rhinoceros® NURBS modeling for Windows. http://www.rhino3d.com/
2 Interview with Robert McNeel, CEO of McNeel and Associates (Rhino 3D). http://blog.novedge.com/2007/03/an_interview_wi_3.html
3 openNURBS Initiative. http://www.opennurbs.org/
4 Rhinoceros - Related Products and Services http://www.rhino3d.com/resources/
5 Joe Gibbs Racing http://isicad.ru/ru/press_releases.php?press_num=13293
6 CD-adapco LGS 2D http://isicad.ru/ru/press_releases.php?press_num=12979
7 Swiss AWV Company succeeds with LEDAS geometric solvers http://ledas.com/group/press_releases/?press_num=69
8 LGS Tecnos G.A. http://isicad.ru/ru/news.php?news=11225
9 ADEM Technologies LGS 3D, , ADEM 8.0 http://isicad.ru/ru/news.php?news=10221
10 LGS 2D - http://isicad.ru/ru/news.php?news=10037
11 . , . http://isicad.ru/ru/articles.php?article_num=12711
12 LGS 2D, LEDAS Geometric Solver. http://ledas.com/products/lgs2d/
13 LGS 3D, LEDAS Geometric Solver. http://ledas.com/products/lgs3d/
14 Rhino http://isicad.ru/ru/press_releases.php?press_num=13428